Ad astra

Fungal astrolabe – Preliminary study II, 2024

Ganoderma applanatum, Fomes fomentarius, Fomitopsis betulina, Macrolepiota procera, lichens, plywood, gold, iron, rust
62 x 110 x 23 cm

Six clouds on a roof, 2023

Fomes fomentarius, Piptoporus betulinus, Cerioporus squamosus, roof beam, gold, rust.
Homage to Meret Oppenheim
(Sechs Wolken über einer Brücke)
62 x 88 x 30 cm

Spacecraft V, 2021

Tree trunk with beaver grub, skate „Gloria Blitz“, vertebrae of a wild boar, gold, verdigris, 23 x 45 x 15 cm

Spacecraft IV, 2021

Fomes fomentarius, hemp, metal stand, shellac, 23 x 45 x 15 cm

Rover, 2019

Tree skeleton, springs, moss, metal, rust, 25 x 20 x 10 cm

Spacecraft III, 2019

Tree skeleton, Daedalea quercina, pear eaten by wasps, gold, shellac, rust, 12 x 30 x 15 cm

Spacecraft II, 2019

Tree skeleton, strip steel, rust, 20 x 30 x 10 cm

Spacecraft I, 2017

Macrolepiota procera, screw thread, shellac, 12 x 8 x 8 cm

Images: Martin Weinhold